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Are these the 5 best female Street Artists alive ?

Exceptionally talented women are proving that urban art is not the exclusive domain of men..
Macho activities as trespassing into private land during night-time, or being chased by the authorities are a way of life for most street artist.. The perception that this is a male dominated activity is shifting..

To prove our point, we highlight 5 female artists who are no longer working with canvas but are producing exceptional examples in urban areas.


Kashink is a Paris-based artist, who is rarely seen in public without a pencilled on moustache. This persona is reflected in her work, which seeks to examine the absurdity of traditional gender roles in a bright, bold and often comical fashion. On request, she has revitalised the walls of many cities across the world, including London, Vienna, Ibiza, Bristol and Paris. As you can see from her work above, Kashink likes to paint a huge range of characters, which are often recognisable by their numerous eyes and huge skulls.

Miss Van









Born in 1973, this French-born, Barcelona-based artist is one of the first women ever to work within the street art scene. Miss Van started painting graffiti murals in the streets of Toulouse when she was just 18 years-old, and by the time she was 20, she had totally revolutionised the city’s street art scene. Over two decades later, Miss Van has achieved universal acclaim for her work and exhibited in many galleries across the world. Her most iconic pieces feature renderings of Baroque-era ladies donning pearls and furs.

Maya Hayuk

Maya Hayuk is a Brooklyn-based artist that is best known for effortlessly blending Ukrainian crafts into her large-scale psychedelic and geometric visions. Hayuk has spent most of her career crafting pieces for exhibitions. However, the ever-increasing scale of Hayuk’s work has led to her painting some murals on the outside of large buildings across the US. Thus, a lot more people have now become familiar with the spoils of her intoxicating designs.


Faith47’s street art career already spans the best part of two decades. In that time, she has created art in most of the world’s major cities. To bring her pictures to life, Faith47 uses a wider range of media than most other street artists, including graphite, oil paint, photography as well as spray paint. For many, Faith47’s art resembles storybook illustrations that seek to bring nature to the centre stage of urban environments.


Born in Poland, Olek is an artist whose work is based on covering people and objects in ultra-vibrant crocheted cozies. One can often spot her work in New York, where she has covered everything from cars to bicycles, monuments and buildings in her iconic knitting. In her own words, Olek describes her work as “my madness becomes my crochet”. And it’s this outlook that allows her to blend passion with politics to produce street art which engages both the eye and the mind.

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